Unilabs unifies laboratories with the 4th generation of Clinidata®
A challenge was met head on and overcome, which made it possible to manage the clinical tests of more than 8,000 patients per day in the various laboratories of one of the largest diagnostic groups in Portugal.
In 2017, Unilabs acquired Base Holding laboratories, a group that had used software developed by a competitor of Clinidata®. Following the acquisition, a tender was launched to select a solution that would be used by the entire Unilabs Portugal group. After several demonstrations, Maxdata was declared the winner.
The project that unified the laboratories of Unilabs Portugal
"With the implementation of Clinidata®, Unilabs was able to go from managing 12 LIS systems at once to currently using only ONE LIS system to manage one central laboratory, nine proximity laboratories and more than 15 point-of-care laboratories.
The result is a simpler system architecture that is easier to manage, with clear economies of scale and productivity gains for technical and medical teams. It also enables improvements that impact the entire organisation to be implemented at once."
Miguel Picão, Unilabs Portugal IT Director